
Oysters from Riec sur Bélon, Marennes from Oléron, Brittany mussels, edible shellfish, Brittany blue lobster, …

“A long tradition of quality”

Riec-sur-Bélon, Oléron… well-known names that are synonymous with our know-how and the quality of our seafood products, and particularly our oysters.

All kinds of mussels, blue lobster from the coastal waters of Brittany, famous for its taste and for the delicacy of its meat, Royal or Brittany rock lobster caught in pots or nets, ocean-flavored shellfish: we can provide our full range of sea produce all year round, on a regular basis, in optimum cultivation and fishing conditions.

We are particularly mindful of environmental protection and demanding when it comes to water quality. Établissements Thaëron continue to strive for perfection while exploring the innovative approaches exemplified by the Brit Inov business cluster.

Our history

Founded on the banks of the Bélon river, Éts THAËRON, a family business dating back to 1879, has handed down its oyster-farming know-how from generation to generation, while diversifying into a whole range of other sea produce.

They use the celebrated waters of the Bélon, to mature their oysters, mussels, cockles, etc., and to keep lobsters, crabs and other crustaceans in the best possible conditions in their specially designed storage tanks.

A tradition of quality

Our priority: a tradition of quality.In order to comply with all the different food safety requirements, we have implemented quality assurance processes in all our business premises (Riec-sur-Bélon, Lorient, Étaules).

Our products are thoroughly selected and controlled by an independent laboratory and by the French Veterinary Services, which allows us to prevent and eliminate any food safety hazards.

Treasures of nutritional goodness, seafood

Seafood contains proteins, lipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, Omega 3, with widely recognised beneficial health effects. Seafood, and particularly oysters and mussels contain exceptionally high levels of vitamin B, including B12 and B13, vitamin A, provitamin A, vitamin E, minerals and trace elements (zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus, selenium, etc.). Choosing the right kind of food is the best way to protect your health and have a balanced lifestyle.

MUSSELS – Mytilus edulis


Sorted and washed mussels grown on suspended supports, hanging from fixed or floating structures installed on concessionary plots on the public maritime domain, and therefore never in contact with the sand..


Mussels from concessionary plots on the public maritime domain, where they are grown on the sand, immersed, sorted and washed before shipment.


Mussels from natural on-bottom beds, re-soaked in clean water, sorted and washed.


Sorted and washed mussels grown on suspended supports, hanging from fixed or floating structures installed on concessionary plots on the public maritime domain, and therefore never in contact with the sand.


BROWN CRAB Cancer pagurus

Brown crabs are common along the eastern North Atlantic coast, from Scandinavia to Morocco. Brown crabs are caught in pots.

 SPIDER CRAB Spider Maja squinado

The spider crab’s relatively large size, its delicate taste and its very coastal habitat make it a popular species with seafood professionals.

VELVET CRAB Necora puber

It has a flat, dark-brown colored shell. It is popular for its delicate flesh and is mainly caught in pots.

SHRIMPS Palaemon serratus 

Shrimps are caught in pots in the Atlantic and the English Channel. Its delicaPhoney flavored flesh make it very popular with seafood professionals.

LOBSTER Homarus gammarus 

Blue lobster, often called “Breton lobster” as opposed to Canadian lobster, lives along the Atlantic coastline. It is caught in lobster pots off the coast.


This delicaPhoney flavored red spiny lobster is also called “Royal lobster” or “Breton spiny lobster”. It is caught in pots or nets.


The cupped oysters – Crassostrea gigas


Cupped Oysters from commercial oyster beds with a quality index (ratio of edible flesh, after water drainage, to total mass before opening) of between 6.5 and 9.0.


Cupped Oysters from commercial oyster beds, with a quality index above 9.0.


Cupped Oysters from specific oyster growing centres, immersed in special sea water tanks for at least one month and with a quality index of between 6.5 and 9.0.


Cupped Oysters from specific oyster growing centres, immersed in special sea water tanks for at least two months and with a quality index above 9.0.

Flat oyster – Ostrea edulis


Flat oyster with white flesh, grown and matured in Brittany from spats of French origin and shipped directly from our premises.


Cockles Cerasroderma edule
Goose barnacle MiPhonela pollicipes
Scallops Pecten maximus
Black scallops Chlamys varia
Venus Spisula ovalis
Banded carpet shells Venerupis rhomboides
Smooth clams Callista chione

Purple sea urchins Paracentrotus lividus
Dog cockles Glycymeris glycymeris
Winkles Littorina littorea
Whelks Buccinum undatum
Clams Mercenaria mercenaria
Razor clams Solen marginatus
Manila clams Ruditapes philippinarum